Complaints, Concerns and Compliments Policy

I operate an open door policy and encourage discussion with parents/carers every day when the children are dropped off and when they are collected. If there is ever a concern I encourage parents/carers to speak to me immediately so that I can assess the situation and make improvements. I hope that parents/carers feel able to bring to my attention any aspect of my childminding service that they are not happy with so that I can resolve any issues.

For impartial advice parents/carers can contact the Early Years and Childcare Service on 01372 833833 and ask to speak to a childminding advisor. If a complaint cannot be resolved or if the complaint is of a serious nature and you feel you cannot discuss it with me please contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 or write to them at The National Business Unit, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD or email them on There is further guidance on Ofsted’s website here

There is also a framed poster on my photowall containing details of how to contact Ofsted.


In my kitchen next to the fridge there is a Comments, Compliments and Complaints book for use by parents/carers and myself where everything is logged.

In the first instance I hope that the parent/carer will speak to me verbally but they can also make a complaint to me in writing. If I do receive a formal written complaint, I will acknowledge receipt of this written complaint to the parent/carer and I will inform Ofsted (and where applicable to LADO) within 14 days. If the complaint has any child protection implications I will also notify the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board and follow their guidelinesI will make a written record of complaints, any action taken and the outcome of any investigation, and provide a summary, on request, to any parent/carer  and Ofsted within 28 days.

Records of all complaints and their outcome will be kept for at least three years and I will make available to Ofsted, on request, a summary of complaints made and consequent actions taken.

Parents/carers are also invited to write any suggestions or compliments in the book.  Where applicable I will share these with other parents by means of emails and my website.

Policy Written by: Ilana Hill      17 January 2011

Updated and reviewed:            Annually or as required         



This term we will be looking at:


The hungry caterpillar

stone soup

food that grows on trees

Burns Night

Chinese New Year

Shopping for food

pancake day

valentines day

food that grows underground

Handas Surprise

Mothers Day

Food that grows in other countries

My favorite foods

and our topic for this term is:

Fabulous Food

I currently have no vacancies

I am registered to provide FEET
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  Ilana Hill 2012